Monday, July 13, 2009

Having a quick look

In my eagerness for keeping myself bussy -in order to deal with my broken hearth- I have returned a very old habit I had, READING. During the last month different kind of books has passed by my hands about knitting, self-esteem, relationships, religious issues, God, and of course sex - but the topics I rather prefer are sex and religious issues.

Paradoxically, these two are opposite. I dont understand why if both of them are sublime and necessary for any adult human being in process of continued growth. Plus if you truly know the meaning of real sexual life you should know sex is placed in another level different from just a physical necessity; exactly the same that religion. Because you can't have life just in one sphere when you are an integrated person wiht a soul, a spirit an a body. You must satisfied all of them.

Oh God!! What am I saying? If my mother, brother, sister or any memeber of the church I used to be active part of (yes!! I was a consumate christian, but as I will explainin the future I renounce my religion, but not my God) could read this, for sure they would kill me.
Back to the point I have found two great books which have captivated my attention:
Girl with a one-track-mind, It nothing related to religion but it is simply enjoyable, exciting and entertaining. If its author really experienced all the acnedoct she describes on it she makes me green envy. I dont even have 10% of her experience. She became one of my hero and I am actually a fan of her blog.

Dirty Words is for some one like me who is discovering the wealth of a language as English. I found it just fascinating.

I am not promoting this books, Ok?? There is not any financial interest in my comments about them but why dont share a pair of books which have given such a fantastic fun like I have had reading them so far?

As I use to say "There is nothing comparable to read a good book, while good background music is been playing and you are having a glass of hot wine". Oh!! there is something better than that it is having the best sex of the world with the person you love. For now, I will have to wait for it

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